The MWP pack (Lightroom presets for computer and phone)
Here's a before & after of all the Presets!
Preset Collection nr.1 by Martin Wikestad
A collection of my colorgrading Presets that I use daily to grade my images for instagram to get a cinematic look.
Tested to work on raw
These presets are designed to be your starting point for your raw images without having to spend hours color grading every photo individually. With a total of 10 different Presets in this package there is one for your needs!
What's inside?
- 10 stylized Presets (.xmp files)
- 10 stylized Presets (.dng files)
- Compatible with Adobe Lightroom, lightroom classic, lightroom mobile and any other software that utilises .xmp files for presets.
- 3 Videos covering:
- A short introduction to the product.
- How to install and use the product on Lightroom classic.
- How to install and use the product on Lightroom mobile.
If you want to create the best results:
These Presets are designed to work on as many different types of images as possible. Therefore you might have to do some minor tweaking to get the best result for your images. (Covered in the 3 videos included in the purchase).
You will get the best results if you have a camera that is capable of photographing in a RAW format. But it works on JPGs as well.
If you are unsure how to install Presets into your editing software, don't worry. Included in this product is a tutorial on how to install and use the LUTs in Adobe Lightroom Classic and mobile. If you use any other video editing software a quick YouTube search “how to install Presets in your editing software." Will fix that problem.
Will I get access to any updates to this collection?
Yes! Any updates I make to this collection will be available to you!
Will these work on iPhone?
Yes! In the file 10 DNG files are included that can be used on any phone with Lightroom mobile.
10 stylised presets!